
Wireless Sensor Networks for Industrial Applications: Practical Approach

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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) provides information for data acquisition and data distribution. It is a network that consists of spatially distributed and automated wireless sensor nodes which are capable of monitoring several physical environmental fields such as air pressure, luminosity, vibration and temperature. This paper focuses on the design of a WSN utilising ZigBee protocol and Waspmote technologies; the purpose is to provide telemetry services for industrial applications which will be required to collect data about light bulb luminosity as well as its associated surroundings. At the end of the processes, WSN framework was designed showing initial results of bulb luminescence reading, temperature and accelerometer; the designed system has the capability of sending real-time data over a network platform utilising the ZigBee 802.15.4 protocol with sensor nodes attached to the circuit board; this will provide radio frequency telemetric services, utilising a cost effective platform that has the benefits of overcoming the cumbersome measures presently in operation. Sensor networks methods of development overtime have suffered setbacks for lack of well-defined practical approach that will produce results patterned for industrial acceptance; this paper measures on this area using a model that is environmental and eco-friendly.



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Perkins Onome Abaje and Andrew Adekunle
ISSN : 2028-9324 Vol. 4 No. 4, Dec. 2013 627
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