

Workplace Counselling

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Workplace counselling, an initiative displayed by socially responsible organizations is presented in this study. Counselling provision that is implemented with a short-term approach helps employees in relieving difficulties experienced in private life or workplace. Evaluation of such programmes has revealed positive consequences for both employees and the organization. Achieving these outcomes, including a reduced level of stress and absenteeism, requires a consideration of elements like organizational culture, role conflicts experienced by the counsellor, and ethical issues. Finally, suggestions are made for increas ing the effectiveness of the counselling practice such as employing culturally sensitive and positive psychology-based methods.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalismada, sosyal sorumluluk bilinci ile hareket edilen örgütsel ortamlarda, çalisanlarin is veya özel hayat alanlarinda yasadiklari güçlüklerin giderilmes i iç in girisilen bir etkinlik olan isyeri psikolojik danismanlik hizmetleri tanitilmaktadir. Kisa süreli danismanlik yaklasimiyla yürütülen bu hizmetlerle ilgili degerlendirmeler, isgörenler ve örgüt açisindan, stresin ve devamsizligin azalmasi gibi olumlu sonuçlari ortaya koymustur. Makalede, bu kazanimlara ulasilmasi açisindan önem tasiyan ve psikolojik destek verilirken göz önünde bulundurulmasi gereken örgüt kültürü, danismanin yasadigi rol çatismalari ve ahlaki sorunlar gibi konulara dikkat çekilmistir. Hizmetlerin etkinliginin arttirilmasi için kültürel baglama özgü yöntemlerin gelistirilmesi ve bireylerin güç lü yönlerine odaklanan olumlu bir bakis açisinin benimsenmesi önerilmistir.



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Code of ethics and practice for
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Workplace counselling: A systematic approach to employee
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of Counselling in Organizations
Research Report
Türk Psikoloji Bülteni
Personality theories: Basic assumptions,
research, and applications
Culture’ s consequences: International differences in work
related values
Personnel/human resource
management: Contributions and activities
at Work
Türk Psikoloji Bülteni
Counseling and psychotherapy:
Skills, theories, and practice
TheCanadian Journal of Psychiatry
Ulusal Psikolojik Danisma ve Rehberlik Kongresi
Counselling at
Australian Psychologist
Journal of Employment Counseling
Counselling at Work
Organizational behavior

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