
Koruma ve Muhafaza Hareketi ve Çevre Mevzuatinin Olusumu Üzerindeki Etkileri


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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this artic le, I discuss the concepts of conservation and preservation depending on their main philosophy, historical development, and applicability. Also, I discuss the concepts of wilderness, biocentrism, deep ecology, radical environmentalism, and environmental organizations such as mainstream environmental organizations and radical environmental organizations.Then, I try to connect these concepts depending on their relations to each other, their philosophies, and their effects on each other. In sum, I conclude that environmental movement has been constructed depending on two main philosophies; conservationism and preservationism. And both philosophies and other concepts such as radical environmentalism are applicable to current environmental issues in some cases. This means that each philosophy may be applicable to solve an environmental problem in a particular field.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu makalenin amaci, korumacilik ve muhafazacilik çevre koruma felsefelerini, onlarin temel koruma felsefelerine, tarihsel gelis imlerine ve uygulanabilirliklerine dayanarak tartismaktir. Ayrica, yabanil doga, biyosantrik çevrecilik, derin ekoloji, radikal çevrecilik ve çevreci örgütleri tartismak da bu makalenin kapsami iç inde gerçeklestirilmistir. Sonra, temel düsünce tarzlari ve birbirlerini etkilemeleri açisindan bu kavramlar arasindaki iliskiler ele alinmistir. Sonuçta, çevre hareketinin bu iki temel felsefe (korumacilik ve muhafazacilik) üzerine kurulmus oldugunu ve bunlarla birlikte radikal çevrecilik, derin ekoloji, yabanil doga gibi alt kavramlarin da güncel çevre sorunlarina uygulanabilir oldugu sonucuna varilmistir.



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