
Perhidrobenzimidazolyum Tuzlarının Suzuki-Miyaura Eşleşme Tepkimelerindeki Katalitik Aktivitesi

Catalytic Activity of Perhydrobenzimidazolium Salts in Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling Reactions

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Abstract (2. Language): 
1,3-Dialkylperhydrobenzimidazolium chloride salts as N-heterocyclic carbene precursors were synthesised by reaction of secondary amines with ammonium chloride in triethyl orthoformate at 130 ºC. Prepared salts were used as catalyst for coupling reactions of phenylboronic acid with aryl halides and substituted biaryl compounds were obtained in high yields.
Abstract (Original Language): 
N-Heterosiklik karben öncülleri olan 1,3-dialkilperhidrobenzimidazolyum klorür tuzları, sekonder aminlerin amonyum klorür ile trietil ortoformat içersinde 130 ºC’de ısıtılmaları sonucu sentezlendi. Hazırlanan tuzlar fenilboronik asit ile aril halojenlerin eşleşme reaksiyonlarında katalizör olarak kullanıldı ve yüksek verimlerle sübstitüye biaril bileşikleri elde edildi.



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