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Abstract (2. Language): 
The main objective of the present study was to formulate stable immediate release Meloxicam tablets matching in invitro dissolution with the marketed formualtion. Meloxicam is a poorly soluble drug. The present works focused on improving the dissolution of Meloxicam with the aid of sodium citrate as alkalizing agent and superdisintegrants. Tablets were manufactured by wet granulation method. The use of superdisintegrants reduced the disintegration time but did not improve the dissolution of Meloxicam. Since Meloxicam is soluble in alkaline media, trials were taken with different concentrations of sodium citrate as alkalizing agent and the dissolution profiles were compared with that of marketed formulation. It was found that the dissolution profile of trial T7 which was formulated with Meloxicam and Sodium citrate 1:1.5 ratio was similar to marketed formulation. Based on the results it was concluded that an alkalizing agent is required to improve the dissolution of Meloxicam. The 7.5mg strength was formulated by common blend approach, with formula similar to optimized formula of 15mg tablets. The dissolution profile of 7.5 mg strength was compared with 15mg strength and the results were found to be satisfactory.



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