
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Sisteminin Kuvvetler Ayrılığından Kuvvetler Birliğine Doğru Dönüştürülmesi

The Transformation of Ministry of National Education System from Separation of Powers to Unity of Powers

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Abstract (2. Language): 
System of Ministry of National Education When the main frame mentioned above about functioning of Turkish Republic is taken into consideration, it is seen that system of the Ministry of National Education has also been constructed as the state within itself because according to organizational laws of MoNE and organizational units composed according to these laws, three units are defined as responsible for the minister directly. Within the system MoNE, it could be said that the undersecretary and general directorates operating under supervision of the undersecretary are responsible for executive functions. While National Board of Education fulfills legislative duties, Board of Audit fulfills judiciary duties via its role of inspection. Emerging of units acting as legislation departments in the Ministry of National Education is not new. Even there was not the ministry responsible for education, the educational system was administered and operated by boards. “Board” tradition in the process of Turkish educational system was maintained as in the form of expanded but not continuous boards. No matter whether they were continuous or not, many outstanding educators, poets, authors and scientists served in these boards. National Board of Education Board tradition of the ministry of National Education has been maintained with Board of Education since 1926. It has had several duties such as determining general policies of the ministry, composing the vision of the educational system, adapting well-designed examples of international studies by following them and bringing suitable ones into the structure. Taking precautions for improving standards of educational and instructional foundations, composing principles and bases related to structure and operations of educational administration, researching on philosophical and sociological foundations of educational implementations and developing projects on them have taken part among duties of National Board of Education. NBE has worked as an autonomous and scientific unit while fulfilling these duties. It should be stated that Mustafa Kemal and Mustafa Necati, the minister of that time, drew attention to the issue that National Board of Education would be an “autonomous” and “scientific” foundation. Transformation of National Board of Education Within the system of MoNE, as it is in democratic systems, this structured based on separation of powers principle changed to some extent with “Statutory Decree on Organization and Duties of the Ministry of National Education” for the first time because organizational structure of the Ministry was rearranged with this decree published on 14/9/2011. According to this, Chair of Guidance and Audit was established by abolishing Board of Audit and the new board established was classified among service units of the ministry. This unit, functioning as an inspection department associated to the ministry directly previously, was evaluated among service units by decreasing its status. Rearrangement transforming the National Board of Education totally was conducted on 28th February 2014 and the board has been considered as a consultation unit rather than decision maker. Conclusion Conclusively, within the process of the Ministry of National Education, as the National Board of Education has become a consultation unit but not decision maker anymore, NBE has lost its power, meaning and historical existence bases. Division of powers, differentiating as three main elements in the traditional construction of the system, could be exposed to transform into unity of powers due to disappearing of even one of these elements. In this case, naturally, it could be expected that unity of powers which means gathering power at one center causes an authoritarian tendency. Transition, foreseen with rearrangement conducted, to unity of powers could transform MoNE into a more centralist entity. National Board of Education’s maintaining its functions determined as decision maker could have been reconsidered so that the system of MoNE would be operated in a more democratic and scientific way. On the other hand, during this period in which it is claimed that progress on the way of being democratic especially has been made successfully, it could be asserted that this modification enabling to gather all power of MoNE at the center of undersecretary agency is an incoherent step. Because of this, while democratic practices and operations are tried to be strengthened, the system of Ministry of National Education which has been founded based on the principle of separation of powers and has certain reservoir and culture accordingly however faces with losing this qualification should be taken into consideration and revised. In this regard, to energize process of the system of the Ministry of National Education, among units composing the main framework, duties, so far, of the National Board of Education and the Board of Audit (Chair of Guidance and Audit), especially, should be tried to be strengthened legally even more to fulfill its present duties more successfully rather than limiting them.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Kuramsal ve tarihsel bir değerlendirme niteliğinde olan bu makalenin amacı genelde Türkiye’deki Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’nı (MEB) demokratik bir sistem örneği temelinde ele almak, özelde de MEB bünyesindeki Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu’nun (TTK) işlevlerindeki değişiklikleri irdelemektir. MEB’e ve TTK’ya dair irdelemeler, demokratik sistemlerin dayalı olduğu kuvvetler ayrılığı prensibi ile işleyen hukuk düzeni temel alınarak yapılmıştır. Bu anlamda MEB sisteminin çağdaş hukuk düzeninin temel dayanağı olan yasama, yürütme ve yargı unsurlarından oluşan bir sistem olarak yapılandırılmış olduğu; Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu’nun da bu düzenin temel organlarından biri olduğu varsayılmaktadır. Makalede MEB’in yapısının Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’nden geçen yeni torba yasayla değiştiği ve Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu’nun karar organı olmaktan çıkarılarak danışma birimi haline getirildiği ileri sürülmektedir. Bu şekilde yetki ve sorumlulukların büyük ölçüde bir merkezde toplanmış olduğu, bununla birlikte MEB sisteminin daha merkeziyetçi hale dönüşeceği, dolayısıyla daha katı ve otoriter eğilimlerin ortaya çıkacağı iddia edilmektedir. Bu bağlamda Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı sisteminin tekrar ele alınması ve Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu’nun sistem içindeki yerinin ve rolünün güçlendirilmesi gerektiği önerilmektedir.



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