
Ups and Downs in Foreign Policy of Uzbekistan towards Security Approach of Russia

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Uzbekistan is one of the significant states of Central Asia considering its relatively high population and military strength in comparison with other Central Asian states. We should not forget the fact that Uzbekistan has the most combat-ready and well-equipped armed forces in the region that have direct military experience in special operations in the mountains. Given this fact and the presence of a large Uzbek diaspora in neighboring countries, it is easy enough to understand why Tashkent pursues an independent policy and strives for leadership in Central Asia. However, the permanent President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov failed to achieve regional leadershipdue to on domestic political and economic reasons. But he was able to solve a number of major policy objectives: to achieve political stability, to suppress the influence of Islamists, to provide external security of Uzbekistan and to hold inter-clan balance. Although Uzbekistan, like other Central Asian nations, is a landlocked country, it has no direct border with the Russian Federation and China. Instead,Uzbekistan has border with Afghanistan and with its strategic location Uzbekistan will have a substantial role to play in the future of Central Asia. Nevertheless, Uzbekistan’s foreign policy had displayed ups and downs concerning the security and economic regionalization of Kremlin’s foreign policy strategies. In the summer of 2012, Uzbekistan suspended its membership in CSTO, which was the forthcoming main security organization of the Eurasia and even blocked the passage of Kazakh military vehicles from its territory for the SCO exercises in Tajikistan. Furthermore, Uzbekistan perceives that fundamental Islamic movements are a threat to its security and future. On the other hand, Uzbek leadership is waiting for the possible geopolitical changes in a region due to NATO’s withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014. This paper seeks to analyze the factors behind Uzbekistan’s recent foreign policy activities and conclusions.



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