
A study of socio-demographic profile and treatment outcome of tuberculosis patients in an urban slum of Mumbai, Maharashtra

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objectives: To study socio-demographic profile & treatment outcome of TB patients in an urban slum area Mumbai, Maharashtra. Methodology: Community based longitudinal study was carried out for 12 months in field practice area of UHC facilitated by Community Medicine Department of KEM Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra. All patients registered during study period (103) were included of which 85 were able to follow till completion of study. Results: Most of TB patients were in productive age group (15-44 years) & males were mostly affected. Category wise distribution of TB patients was 46.6%, 22.3% & 31.1% for cat 1, cat 2 &cat 3 respectively. Treatment success rate was 85.52% & it was almost good in all age groups, was more in males, educated patients, those who were unemployed & those who were in middle socioeconomic class. Statistical analysis was done by using SPSS 15.0 version Conclusion: In the present study treatment success rate was good & sociodemograhic factors such as education, employment & socioeconomic class affects it.



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