
Study of incidence of metopic suture in adult skulls

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Introduction: In the fetal skull, the two halves of the frontal bone are separated by the frontal suture, and they remain separate until approximately 6 years of age. In some adults the separation line persists as the metopic suture. The metopic sutures are vertical sutures occurring as a result of failure of ossification between the two halves of frontal bone. Methods: This study was conducted with 80 human adult dry skulls. The skulls were inspected at the norma frontalis for the presence of the metopic suture. The sutures were classified as complete and incomplete. The incomplete ones were classified as linear type, ‘V’ shape and ‘U’ type. Observations and results: Out of 80 skulls studied, a complete metopic suture was found only in one case (1.25 %), whereas an incomplete suture was observed in 18 cases (22.5 %). Among the incomplete ones, 13 were linear, 4 were ‘V’ shaped and 1 skull had ‘U’ shaped metopic suture. The remaining 76.25% of the skulls did not show a metopic suture. Conclusion: The present study showed the incidence of metopic sutures in Indian adults, useful for the fields of neurosurgery, radiology and forensic medicine.