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Ziya Osman Saba was well known from the year his poems began publishing to his death(1927-1957) but after his dead, especially today, It is obvious that Ziya Osman Saba's only beena poet who isconsiderable for literature researchers. Moreover, the poet, is known forrather recent written poems than poems which he wrote in "Seven Torch" group. It was revealed that he did not use some of his poems in which he wrote in Servet-iFünûn (1927-1928), also in Yedi Meşale (1928) andin Meşale (1928)in his special book he published. In this study Osman Ziya’'s poems were mentioned on the grounds that reflect the history of world literature, and this is the first youth and inexperience poetry to take the literary anthology. .Hence the poet's life, works on a general review and poems has decided to carry out. All poems of the poet have been provided under study published in assets and has seen 129 poemswere found here. Thenwhen Ziya Osman Saba books and articles were analyzed ıt has been determined that there are some poems which are not available in allhispoems
Ziya Osman Saba's poetry, initially has emerged in a pessimism of focusing on fancyand image in the effect of Servet-i Funun literature. In 1927, in the magazine of Servet-i F unun "Sönen Gözler" Osman Ziya Saba started his poetic life with his poetry Ziya Osman Saba's first poems published in this journal. Later, in 1928, joined the Yedi Meşaleciler' and prepared a book in partnership with the friends which is called "Yedi Meşale" his five poems were published in the book. Again in 1928 in the journal Meş'ale his seven poems were published. In the 1929-1931 years his several poems were published in Milliyet’s literature page. Ziya Osman Saba was famous with these mentioned poems above, but he did not use many of these poems in his prepared book. Even during this period he revised some of his poemsagain in subsequent years by changingsome verses heneeded to publish some of them from the beginning. During these years in poetry, both in 1918, he lost his mother and as well as the separation of the road with his fatherbecause of the gloomy atmosphere created by Servet-i Fünuna melancholy air is shown.
The Purpose
The aim of this study was to determine the location of Ziya Osman Saba in our literature and is to examine and evaluate poetry as the theme and period. The Poet is known for poems which he wrote recent perion rather than the poems he wrote in the group"Yedi Meşale". When the literature was examined, Ziya Osman Saba's poetry except interpretations that go beyond general statements on work is limited. Hence, it is intended to do a review of the poet's life, works and poems.
The research is a qualitative study and the information was gathered through document analysis model. Ziya Osman Saba works which penned throughout his life and in the process of scanning the poet research studies related to the infrastructure of the work was created. Afterwards these data are coded and themed with individual codes of content analysis.
Ziya Osman Saba's poemsare divided into three periods, namely: Youth Period, Transition Period and Maturity Period.Of33 poems written between the years 1927-1931 in 19 of them there is an air of melancholy. In 5 of these poems which are written about death and nature Iıt is often possible to see the angle of the pessimistic outlook. Named as "Other Poems"poetry in 4 poemsof two love is mentioned in one of nostalgia, a different theme is treated in the others. In this poems the poet; inner world seems to approach the life and nature in an impressionist point of view. Ziya Osman’s "All poems " titled 33 poems24 of the poems in this book isnot seen. These Ones were published ın Servet-i Fünunliterature page of Milliyet; inMeşale ve Yedi Meşale.
Written between the years 1932-1942 which can be called transition period 52 poems can be called the poet's search for his own personality period, and can be said that products of transition. In these poems a slight pessimism can be seen because of the poet's early year lose ofhismother and his father, also fondly marriage in 1931 although there has been the sadness of the marriage because of her wife’s illness. We can see that already in many of these poems the poet is not pleased. In fact, in 12 poems nostalgia, in 4 poems the complaint for life, in 8 poems melancholic, in 12 poems death themes are engraved. Moreover, unlike these in 6 poemshome and family life with love poetry themes were used. Although In this period of melancholic poetry some written in verse reminds the youth period, a few poems here are usually bitter pessimism. Poet has captured the joy of living by that time when it was committed in the six poems of love. The common feature of this poemsthe poet is satisfied with his already life and optimistic about life. In 6 poems written about Home and family it is also possible to see that the poet’s dream of a happy family lives and aspirations. Based on these poems it is also possible to define Ziya Osman Saba"a poet of home and family". Also belong to this period, examined under 4 in poetry called "Other Poems"; Atatürk's death, nature, love, and nature themes asylum is processed.
In maturity period poems it is observed that the poet has found its own personality and given mature products. With the poet’s access to the Family happiness, "he wrote 11 poems about home and family. From These poems we can see that the poet is fond of his family and house. Poet is generally satisfied with this period, in his poems nostalgia theme by less than half of the period to have been reduced to five. During this period Ziya Osman Saba, in his poems focused the themes oflivelihood and poverty. In his poems he reflectslife livelihood of many people who suffered during and around the same strapped poet, and tells their own struggles as well as middle-class people's livelihood. In this 11 poems he wrote there is no ideological direction. In 1950 both the progression of age and almost to collide with death by heart attack ıt can be understood that the poet wrote 17 poems about death in this period. In these poems, death is taken as an unavoidable reality oflife a few exceptions of poems life is kept beter than life. In 6 poems which are studied under Melancholic poetry, except for a few different poems, feeling increasingly nearing the end of his advancing age and life of the poet's saddness outweigh. It can be seen that in the maturity period love theme has increased. In the 12 poems Love of life wasprocessed as the main theme. It is possible to see the poet tightly connected to the life because of the happy family and due to the hearth attack. In this poem the poet is almost bound to life with love and passion. There are 7love poems including, 2 of them people love, in the others; children love, love of friends, love of Istanbul, sea of love.
The Result
In this study, ıt was tried to made an examination of Works poems and life of Ziya Osman Saba. When the poet's poems were observed as chronological and themes, out of exceptions many of the poems coincide with changes in the life of the poet In this sense the poet's poems can be divided into three periods namely, Youth Period, the Transition Period and Maturity Poetry.
While assessing the youth poetryıt was seen that these poems do notreflect his real art world. Generallyin poems written between the years 1932-1942 show that instead of overall dark atmosphere in youth poetrydifferent feelings can be seen.
Written between the years 1932-1942 and called the transition period poetry, the period of the poet's search for his own personality, that could be called the product of the transition process. Most of the poems in the book of "Sabil and Pigeons" are in this period. In these poems, the poet's early ages losing of his mother and his father, also although fondly marriage in 1931 there has been a slight pessimism created by the sadness of the marriage because of her wife’s illness. Withmost of these poems ıt is understood that the poet is not satisfied with his life.
Maturity period is observed that the poet's poetry has found its own personality and give mature products. In this poems it can be seen that the poet is fond of his home and family. In this periodZiya Osman Saba has focused on the themes oflivelihood and poverty as previously he did not progress. The poet who has sufferedlife livelihood and also seen of many people who sufferedaround him so he wants toreflectboth his own struggles as well as middle-class people's livelihood in his poems.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Ziya Osman Saba’nın edebiyatımızdaki yerini tespit etmek ve şiirlerini tema ve dönem olarak değerlendirerek incelemektir. Araştırma nitel bir çalışma olup doküman incelemesi modeliyle bilgilere ulaşılmıştır. Şair, “Yedi Meşale“ topluluğundayken yazdığı şiirlerinden ziyade son dönem şiirleriyle bilinmektedir. Alanyazın incelendiğinde, Ziya Osman Saba’nın şiirleri üzerine genel ifadelerden öteye gitmeyen yorumlar haricinde, yapılmış çalışmalar sınırlıdır. Buradan hareketle şairin hayatı, eserleri ve şiirleri üzerine bir inceleme yapılmaya çalışılmıştır. Şair’in şiirleri, kronolojik ve tema bakımından incelendiğinde istisna şiirler dışında birçoğunun şairin hayatındaki değişmelerle örtüştüğü sonucuna varılmıştır. Şairin; asıl şahsiyeti teşekkül etmeden önce yazdığı, taklit, özenti dönemi ürünleri olan ilk gençlik şiirlerinde, annesini kaybeden ve babasıyla da yolları ayrılan şairin hayata aşırı bir karamsarlıkla baktığı görülmektedir. 1927-1931 yılları arasında yazılan 33 şiirin 19 tanesinde melânkolik bir hava bulunmaktadır. Ölüm ve tabiatla ilgili yazılan 5’er şiirde de çoğunlukla karamsar bir bakış açısı görmek mümkündür. “Diğer Şiirleri” başlığı altında incelenen 4 şiirden; ikisinde aşk, birinde geçmişe özlem, diğerinde ise daha farklı bir tema işlenmiştir. 1932-1942 yılları arasında yazılan ve geçiş dönemi olarak adlandırılan bu dönemdeki 52 şiir, şairin kendi kişiliğini bulma dönemi, yani geçiş sürecinin ürünleri denebilir. Bu şiirlerin çoğunda şairin hâlihazırdan memnun olmadığını görüyoruz. Nitekim 12 şiirde geçmişe özlem, 4 şiirde hayattan şikâyet, 8 şiirde melânkolik, 12 şiirde de ölüm teması işlenmiştir. Ayrıca bunlardan farklı olarak 6’şar şiirde ev ve aile ile birlikte yaşam sevgisi temaları kullanılmıştır. Ev ve aile ile ilgili yazılan 6 şiirden de şairin ev hayaliyle yaşadığını ve mutlu bir aile özlemi içinde bulunduğunu görmek mümkündür. Daha sonraki dönemde bu tema daha ağırlıklı işlenmiştir. Olgunluk dönemi şiirlerinde şairin kendi kişiliğini bulduğunu ve olgun ürünler verdiği görülmektedir. Ziya Osman Saba’nın bu şiirleri onun gerçek şiir dünyasını yansıtmaktadır. Aile saadetine erişen şair bu dönemde “ev ve aile ile ilgili 11 şiir yazmıştır. Bu şiirlerden şairin evine ve ailesine çok düşkün olduğunu görmek mümkündür. Bu dönemde hâlihazırdan genellikle memnun olan şair, geçmişe özlem temasını geçen döneme göre yarıdan daha aza indirmiştir. Olgunluk döneminde ise sevgi temasının arttığı görülmektedir. 12 şiirde yaşam sevgisi ana tema olarak işlenmiştir. Diğer sevgi şiirlerinde; 2 tanesinde insan sevgisi, diğerlerinde ise; çocuk sevgisi, arkadaş sevgisi, İstanbul sevgisi, deniz sevgisi olmak üzere 7 sevgi şiiri bulunmaktadır. Bu anlamda Şair’in şiirleri; Gençlik Dönemi, Geçiş Dönemi ve Olgunluk Dönemi Şiirleri olmak üzere üç döneme ayrılabilmektedir. Şair, Cumhuriyet döneminde 1927-1957 yılları arasında sade ve yalın bir dille şiirler yazmış, Ahmet Haşim, Necip Fazıl, Cahit Sıtkı, Orhan Veli gibi şairlerden etkilenmesine rağmen “kendi” kalmasını bilmiş ve edebiyat dünyasında yerini almıştır.
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