
The Role of Social Marketing in Creating Obesity Awareness and Its Effects on Life Quality

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Marketing is the process of developing, pricing, promoting, and placing products, services, and ideas. The aim of social marketing is to inform the society and affect behavioural differences in individuals by using the mentioned marketing processes. In social marketing, the marketing concepts of profit and value mean the acceptance of a desired behaviour by the society. Social marketing can be used in many different areas such as promoting sportive activities, promoting life belt use, preventing violence against women, promoting school attendance of girls, and etc. Health sector is one of the areas in which social marketing is frequently used. Since obesity is becoming a major problem effecting both health and life quality, we can witness numerous social marketing campaigns developed for preventing obesity. In this research, the role of social marketing in creating obesity awareness and its effect to life quality of individuals is studied. Population consists of 289 people above the age of 18 who are selected by random sampling method. A public survey is used as data collecting method and factor analysis and reliability analysis are performed for the acquired data by using the SPSS package program. Moreover, the model structured for the study is tested through a LISREL structural equation modelling.



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