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Plant Drug Analysis - A Comparative Analysis of Cassia Fistula

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DOI: (1):60-72
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Abstract (2. Language): 
Medicinal plants are moving from fringe to mainstream use with a greater number of people seeking remedies and health approaches free from side effects caused by synthetic chemicals. This article aims to provide a Comparative analysis of different characteristics of bark and pulp of Cassia fistula. It is obtained from deciduous and mixed-monsoon forests throughout greater parts of India, is a fast growing, medium sized tree in Caesalpinacenae family with a common name of Golden Shower Tree, is widely used in traditional medicinal system of India has been reported to possess hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, antifungal and also used to check wound healing and antibacterial. It is known as a rich source of anthraquinone derivatives, tannins, flavonoids, β–sitosterol, fistulic acid and glycosides. The innumerable medicinal properties and therapeutic uses of Cassia Fistula as well as its phytochemical investigations prove its importance as a valuable medicinal plant.



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IJART- Vol-2, Issue-1, February, 2017 Available online at
DOI: (1):60-72
Biji, 2017
@IJART-2016, All Rights Reserved
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