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Fractional orders of the generalized Bessel matrix polynomials

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This paper presents and investigates generalized Bessel matrix polynomials (GBMPs) with order 2 < (the set of real numbers). The given result is supposed to be an enhanced and a generalized form of the scalar form to the fractional analysis setting. By using the Liouville- Caputo operator of fractional analysis and Rodrigues type representation form of fractional order, the generalized Bessel matrix functions (GBMFs) Y (t;A;B); t 2 C, for matrices A and B in the complex space CNN are derived and supplied with a matrix hypergeometric representation that are satis ed by these functions. Subsequently, a fractional matrix recurrence relationship, a fractional matrix of second-order di erential equation and an orthogonal system are then developed for GBMFs.

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