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Akıllı fabrikalarda dağıtılmış kontrol sistemleri uygulaması ve RFID yaklaşımı

Smart factories distributed control systems applications and RFID approach

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Abstract (2. Language): 
With the rapid progress of technology, the production process of products has begun to change slowly. On the one hand, products are being produced more "smart" and more customized to the specific needs of the customers, while customer requirements are becoming increasingly diverse, resulting in increased competition and shorter life cycles of products. This sophisticated layout brings together the key elements involved in the production of the internet, mobile devices, sensors and other intelligent devices. As a result of this question, the concept of Industry 4.0 emerged. With this industrial revolution, in the production process according to the main concept, the machines, computers, sensors and other integrated computer systems in the factory will be able to exchange information with each other and produce themselves by coordinating and optimizing themselves almost completely independently from human beings. The system designed in this study has 3 stations in the main building. RFID tags were placed in front of these stations. The RFID read/write heading is located on the forklift traveling within the factory. At the beginning of each station there are gateways at the same time. Through these gateways RFID information is transferred to the control room. Transport time, number and type of finished goods are all in RFID tags. At the same time, these labels can be used to control station accuracy. The forklifts direct the stations where the information arrives and perform the necessary operations. However, in the event of a malfunction, or when the operator misreads incoming information, it may divert them to different stations as opposed to incoming information. Some technologies can be used to prevent them. The most current method used in such applications is RFID technology. This technology is capable of reading and writing with radio frequency and has its own labels at the same time. These labels have memories in a certain capacity. For example, if a name is to be written in this tag, the memory must be large. However, if only one digit is to be written, the label can be selected in a normal memory. Reading and writing are available to read or write to these labels. Today, industrial applications was founded on automatic control systems. The main objective is to make this intelligent control systems and industrial factories. This factory can be achieved a high level of efficiency by making smart. As is known, the automation industry is prepared for the industrial revolution known as the industry 4.0. The aim of industrial revolution is to bring together of the information technology and the industry. Now the machine is trying to create an environment in which talk to each other. RFID technology is the cornerstone of the most important buildings of this revolution. The factories and equipment with RFID communication is provided. In this way, factories without the need for human intervention can communicate with manufactured products. Intelligent systems controlling factories in a distributed manner offers many advantages. The most important issues are data speed, reliability, accuracy and cost savings. By controlling the working example as distributed in a factory environment, intelligent approach were performed in this study. It has contributed to the optimization of the system with RFID.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Günümüzde endüstriyel uygulamalar otomatik kontrol sistemleri üzerine kurulmuştur. Temel amaç, bu kontrol sistemlerini ve endüstriyel fabrikaları akıllı hale getirmektir. Bu fabrikalar akıllı hale getirilerek yüksek düzeyde verimlilik elde edilebilir. Bilindiği gibi otomasyon sektörü endüstri 4.0 olarak bilinen sanayi devrimine hazırlanmaktadır. Bu sanayi devrimi, bilişim teknolojileri ile endüstriyi bir araya getirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Artık makinelerin birbirleriyle konuştuğu bir ortam oluşturulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu devrimin en önemli yapıtaşlarından biri Radyo Frekansı ile Tanımlama (RFID) teknolojisidir. RFID ile fabrika ve malzeme iletişimi sağlanmaktadır. Bu sayede insan müdahalesine gerek kalmadan fabrikalar üretilen ürünlerle iletişim kurabilir. Akıllı fabrikalarda sistemleri dağıtılmış biçimde kontrol etmek birçok avantaj sağlamaktadır. Bunların en önemlisi veri hızı, güvenirlilik, doğruluk ve maliyet kazancıdır. Bu çalışmada örnek bir fabrika ortamı dağıtılmış şekilde kontrol edilerek, akıllı bir yaklaşım gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca RFID ile sistem optimizasyonuna da katkıda bulunulmuştur.



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