Analysis of Current Conditions of Our
Country and Developed Countries in
Benefiting Hydraulic Energy
Journal Name:
- Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
One of the electricity generation production
techniques is hydraulic power plants. In this work
we have done, we have been informed about how
hydraulic energy is produced, benefits and losses. In
addition, the first studies in the field of hydraulic
energy in our country and the changes that took
place over the years have been investigated. We
have been informed about investments in hydraulic
energy and the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP)
in our country. The countries that use hydraulic
energy most in the world and the installed powers of
these countries are given. In the world, the use of
hydraulic energy among renewable energy sources
has been explained by means.
Water, which has been in existence since the Earth's
existence, has increased the importance of water
resources for people to use only in areas such as
meeting the need for water and using it for
agriculture, but also facilitating transportation
through ships built over time and using electricity to
generate electricity using its potential. Although
exploitation of the potential of the water power is a
priority, it is very early to be used in the production
of electric energy started. The first work on this area
was made on October 1881 on the Wey River and
the first hydroelectric power plant, "Central Power
Station", was established. The operating principle of
the hydroelectric power plant is to obtain a certain
height of water by pulling sets made from concrete
in front of the water (stream, river, stream etc.) in
the stream. Potential increase in water that gains
altitude. With the various equipment placed in the
concrete blocks drawn in front of the potentially
increasing water, a kinetic energy field is provided
by passing through places called water turbine.
Generators that are connected to the turbine also
come to an electric energy by the rotation of the
If a hydroelectric power plant is to be established,
the change in the annual amount of water in the
area to be established should be detected. Access to
the site where the power plant is installed should not
be too difficult. Before setting up the plant, the
environmental impacts should be well analyzed and
the necessary measures must be taken before the
plant is set up. Advantages of hydroelectric power
plants; not only electricity production, but also the
need to meet the water needs of the surrounding
agricultural areas and the prevention of erosion by
the afforestation of the power plant periphery.
Disadvantages; Along with the rise of waters, there
are negative sides such as the relocation of the
settlements located at the edge of the river, the
cutting of the trees in order to make transportation
during the construction, and the damage to the
ecological balance of the power plant zone.
The interest in hydroelectric energy in our country
has started in the 1900's years in the Ottoman
Empire period and continues today without slowing
down. Due to the abundant availability of river
resources in our country and investments made in
this area, hydroelectric energy is the first place in
the production of electricity among renewable
energy sources. Investments in hydroelectric energy
should be made as a new employment area and as
an energy dependent country. The necessary
infrastructure for the establishment of regional
projects such as GAP projects should be provided
and facilities should be provided for those investing
in this area.
Brazil is receiving 80% of its electricity from
hydropower plants due to the sufficient amount of
rainfall. In 2013, the country produced 387,082
billion kWh of hydroelectric power plants in
hydroelectric power plants. According to Canadian
Hydro Power and the Clean Power Plan published
in Canada in 2013, 62.5% of electricity is supplied
from hydroelectric power plants. The United States,
which has pioneered renewable energy research, is
the country with the largest hydro-electric energy
after China, Brazil and Canada in its hydroelectric
power generation. According to July 2016 data,
hydroelectric power plants produced 6,011 kWh of
electricity. Most of the electricity of Venezuela is
supplied from Guri Hydroelectric Power Plant. The
electricity generated from this plant meets 73% of
the energy needs of the country. The power of the
country's electricity power is at 14.6 GW in 2013.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Elektrik enerjisi üretim tekniklerinden biri de hidrolik enerji santralleridir. Hidroelektrik enerji santralleri,
suyun potansiyel enerjisini kinetik enerjiye dönüştürülmesinden yararlanılarak elektrik enerjisinin üretildiği
elektrik santrali türüdür. Yüksek seviyede bulunan su, belirli bir potansiyel enerjiye sahiptir. Hidroelektrik
enerji santralleri, bu potansiyel enerjinin suyun belirli bir yükseklikten aşağıya doğru kendi cazibesi ile
salınması sonucu kinetik enerjiye dönüşmesi ile elektrik enerjiye çevrilmesi prensibi ile çalışır. Bu akış,
suyun biriktirilmeden ya da set göl oluşturulmadan akarsu, nehir, dere vb. yerler üzerinden sağlanabileceği
gibi, setler oluşturulması ile suyun belirli bir yerde toplanması, beton bloklarla ile yönlendirilmesi ile de
Hidroelektrik enerjisi santralleri, ülkemizde ve gelişmiş dünya ülkelerinden çokça kullanılan elektrik enerjisi
üretim yöntemlerinden biridir. Hatta ürettiğimiz enerjinin yaklaşık %25 gibi önemli bir oranını,
hidroelektrik santrallerinden karşılamaktayız. Fakat uzun yıllar geçmesine rağmen, hala hidroelektrik
santrallerinin avantaj ve dezavantajları tartışılmaya devam etmektedir.
Yaptığımız bu çalışmada hidrolik enerjisinin nasıl üretildiği, faydaları ve zararları hakkında bilgi verilerek
ülkemizde hidrolik enerjisi alanında yapılan ilk çalışmalar ve yıllar içerisinde meydana gelen değişimler
araştırılmıştır. Ülkemizde hidrolik enerjisi santrallerine olan yatırımlar ve Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi
(GAP) hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Dünyada hidrolik enerjisini en çok kullanan ülkeler ve bu ülkelerin kurulu
güçleri, mevcut durumları ve politikaları hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Dünyada Yenilenebilir enerji
kaynakları arasında hidrolik enerjisinin kullanım oranı şekillerle gösterilerek detaylı bir araştırma
yapılmıştır. Böyle bir çalışma ülkemiz hidroelektrik enerji santralleri hakkında önemli bir araştırmayı
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