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PID tip denetleyiciler kullanılarak yapılan bir ters sarkaç stabilizasyonunun performans analizi

Performance analysis of an inverted pendulum stabilization using PID type controllers

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Inverted pendulum is one of the most popular benchmarks used in the field of control engineering. In addition to being an educational system used to teach the bases of control theory, it is a good mechanism to test design methods developed by researchers. Since, the inverted pendulum has an unstable and non-linear structure it is a very interesting system and is frequently handled in control engineering studies. The inverted pendulum system has one input, namely the force, and two outputs, namely the pendulum angle and position of the cart. Thus, the inverted pendulum is a wellknown example of single-input multiple-output (SIMO) system. In this paper, stabilization of an inverted pendulum on a cart while the cart is tracking a desired trajectory has been studied. PID controllers, tuning parameters of which are obtained by using pole placement method, are used in a SIMO design approach to control both the pendulum angle and the cart position. Performance analysis of the PID controllers to control the cart-inverted pendulum system has been given based on both computer simulation and real-time implementation results. In this study, a cart-pendulum setup produced by Feedback Instruments was used for real time implementation. The cart-pendulum setup has a cart and two pendulum arms attached to it. As the structure of the cart pendulum setup is very complex, obtaining the system mathematical model by using physical equations was not considered as a suitable approach. Examining the studies in the literature about identification of the cart-pendulum systems, it has been seen that the cart-pendulum setup handled in this paper was also used in another study by Yuce and Tan (2013). The transfer functions for pendulum angle and cart position obtained by them were assayed with the many collected input-output data from cart-pendulum setup. It was observed that these transfer functions have good matching percentage to real system and so, these transfer functions were used for the cart-pendulum model. In this work, PID controllers are used for holding the pendulum in the upright unstable position while the cart is tracking a desired trajectory. The design procedure is as follows: Firstly, according to the pendulum angle and cart position transfer functions, two PID controllers were designed for closed-loop control of the pendulum angle and the cart position separately. Then, these two PID controllers were combined in a SIMO design approach. Taking into account the physical characteristics of the cartpendulum setup, the result is that the closed loop systems created by using PID controllers must be over damped for both pendulum angle and cart position. In the simulation study, the first angle value of the pendulum was chosen as Θ = 0.25 rad. A sine wave with an amplitude of 0.3 m and a frequency of 0.025 Hz was selected as the desired trajectory for the cart. Simulation results were given for both pendulum angle and cart position of the SIMO control system. In the simulation study, the effect of changing PID tuning parameters was also shown. In the real-time implementation study, the system control begins after the pendulum enters a specific region. The boundaries of this region are taken as Θ =∓0.25 rad. By using the system software that comes with the cart-pendulum setup, the pendulum was ensured to reach this region from down vertical position (Θ = π rad). Similar to the simulation study, a sine wave with amplitude of 0.3 m and a frequency of 0.025 Hz was selected as the desired trajectory of the cart. Again, results were provided for both pendulum angle and cart position of the SIMO control system in real-time, as in simulation results. The effect of varying PID tuning parameters was also supplied in the real-time implementation. It was observed from both the simulations and real time implementations that small changes in PID tuning parameters has very little effect on the closed loop control of cart-pendulum system.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmada, bir ters sarkaç sisteminin PID denetleyiciler kullanılarak stabilizasyonu amaçlanmıştır. Ters sarkaç, kontrol mühendisliği ve robotik alanlarında kullanılan temel ölçütlerden biridir. Sistem iyi bilinen bir tek giriş-çok çıkışlı (single-input multiple-output, SIMO) sistem örneğidir. Çalışmada, PID denetleyiciler kullanılarak bir arabaya bağlı sarkacın, araba istenilen bir yörüngeyi takip ederken, yukarı pozisyonda dengede kalması sağlanmıştır. Araba-sarkaç sistemini kontrol etmek için kullanılan PID denetleyicilerin ayar parametreleri, kutup yerleştirme metodu kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Tasarlanan kontrol sistemine ait hem bilgisayar simülasyonu hem de gerçek zamanlı uygulama sonuçları sarkaç açısı ve araba pozisyonu için ayrı ayrı verilmiştir. PID denetleyiciler kullanılarak yapılan araba-sarkaç sisteminin kontrolüne ait performans analizi yapılmıştır.



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