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Tarihi Diyarbakır kiliselerinde taşıyıcı sistemi etkileyen gözleme dayalı hasarlar ve nedenleri

Observational affecting structural system and causes damage to the historic church in Diyarbakir

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, the reasons causes problems in the structural systems of the historical Diyarbakir's Churches which is located in the old town and surrounded by the world famous walls were observed in terms of architecture, construction technics, structural materials. Although publishs indicated existence of twenty two churches in the past only eight of them completely or partially reached today. Two in South West, two in South East, third in North Est and one available in citadel. In spite of limited population of Christians, three of churches are still active. This study that was started in March 2014. The problems of structural systems of these churches were periodically photographed and specific damage identity of them were created. Five churches has damaged in different levels because of different reason including during four months. Post December 2015 damages in the buildings were also generally presented Any important damage was not observed in the structural system of Surp Giragos Armenian Church that is restored and opened for worship in 2012. However, small damages such as glass breakages, small debris were observed in the southern face of the building after the conflict. Axis shift, opening, separation and dissolution observed in Saint George (Kara Papaz) Church depend on faulty restoration. Structural system problems had been continued in this church. Separation, dissolution, loss of fees, axis shift and joint discharge depend on restoration and restoration was observed in the Latin Church which located a part of Süleyman Nazif Primary School. However, multi-purpose hall of the church that is called as "Naos" had been converted to concrete. Worship part of Mar Petyum Keldani Catholic Church was repaired simply by the community. Carrier system of the patriarchate and housing part has been quite damaged. The rest of structural elements were also affected by ambient conditions in the intermediate and upper floor of the patriarchate (Located in east part of the Church) which completely destroyed. Material loss, joint release and track breaks were observed in these parts which open to the outside environment. This church also affected from the conflict stated above. Therefore, all shops located in the southern front were demolished and internal main gate and fountain were partially destroyed. However, the church has been maintained its structural integrity. Armenian Catholic Church located in the southeast part was restored in 2007 and significantly destroyed in the process of December 2015 and March 2016. Axis shift, disintegration and dissolution walls, damage due to loss of structural elements had been identified before December 2015 and March 2016. The building is out of service. Hence the necessary restoration was started. Meryem Ana (Mar Yakup) located in the southeast part is a Syriac Church which has exist by simple repair realized by the community. Cracks thought to be due to ground subsidence were observed in the dome of the building and the superstructure of the narthex was converted to concrete. This overload has been caused to axis shift in the column, the joint discharge of the walls, mortar loss. However, Moisture-induced damage, dissolution on the walls, concrete overload in the top cover and irregularities originated form faulty restoration and using are some of the problems observed in this building. Protestan Church is a building which all the walls and top cover converted to concrete plaster and restored in 2008. But it is used for other purposes now. Surp Sargis Armenian Church is one of the most damaged churches. Top cover of church's naos completely destroyed. Axis shifts, belt separation and dissolution were observed in the naos part. However, all floors in the narthex were destroyed and damage occurs in the associated walls. Because of the church using as "Rice Factory" briquettes were used to close between columns and thus damage in the structural system of this building has been accelerated. Top cover of all the part of the church except apse destroyed and therefore it was left vulnerable to natural conditions. Damages sourced from the problems in the structural system of the churches that need restoration or restored improperly are generally the same. But they can show some differences depend on position and status. Nevertheless, damages level of each churches were evaluated and observed separately.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Surlarla çevrili bir kentsel sit alanı olan Sur içi bölgesinde kaynaklar22adet kilisenin varlığından bahsetse de, günümüze bunlardan sadece sekiz adedi ulaşmıştır. Farklı etnik köken ve mezheplere ait bu yapılardan Ermeni cemaatine ait Surp Giragos Ermeni Kilisesi, Surp Sargis Kilisesi ile Ermeni Katolik Kilisesi, Süryanillere ait Protestan Kilisesi, Mar Yakup-Meryem Ana Kilisesi, Latin Kilisesi, Keldanilere ait Mar Petyum Keldani Kilisesi ile İç kale 'de Saint George (Kara Papaz) Kilisesi bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada günümüze ulaşan sekiz tarihi kilisenin mimari ve yapım özellikleri incelenerek sınıflandırılmış (Tablol), taşıyıcı sistem hasarları gözlemsel olarak belirlenmeye ve gruplandırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Taşıyıcı sistem sorunları ve buna bağlı oluşan hasarlar kiliselerde değişkenlik gösterdiğinden, her kilise için ayrı değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Restorasyonu yapılmış ancak taşıyıcı sistem sorun ve hasarları devam eden ve hasar düzeyleri yüksek olan kiliselerin bu durumları da belirlenerek, hasar düzeylerinin belirlendiği tablolar oluşturulmuştur (Tablo2-3). Dyarbakır Sur içi Bölgesinde Aralık 2015- Mart 2016 tarihleri arasında yaşanan süreçte beş tarihi kilisede farklı boyutlarda tahribatlar meydana gelmiştir. Bu alanlara gerektiği gibi girilememesi nedeniyle meydana gelen hasarlar fotoğraflarla belgelenerek sınıflandırılmış, ayrı bir tablo olarak gösterilmeye çalışılmıştır (Tablo 4).



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