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The Use of Ozone in Hospital Wastewater Treatment

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The wastewater produced in municipal and industrial sources is a desalted water which may be used in agriculture if purified and refined well. In many countries, the treated wastewater is reused for irrigation and aquaculture. The most important issue in using municipal wastewater for irrigation is to ensure about the efficiency of process of waste water disinfection to decrease pathogenic microorganisms. Ozonation is an environment friendly and advanced technology with high efficiency in decreasing viruses and parasites and can be an appropriate alternative for chlorination of wastewater. Hospital wastewater has complex and various compounds such as pathogenic factors and medical and toxic chemicals which are mainly disposed in cesspools or enter into the city swage system that lead to water resources pollution crisis. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the use of ozone in refining hospital wastewater.



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