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Deneyimin İçkin Süreci: Jean-Luc Nancy ve Dünya Düşüncesi

Immanent Process of Experience: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Sense of the World

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study concentrates on the kind of thought emerged from the philosophy of Nancy concerning “the sense of the world”. This study indicates how the sense of the world which is perceived as the absolute immanence by Nancy is related with –now that the world doesn’t refer to transcendence, something exterior to the world itself− the ideas of “common existence” and “being with-”. As for Nancy the common fact of the existence is the share of a world. The world is a space where we experience a shared existence in which we are present rather than a space which is exterior to the world. In other words, it is a space and a dimension of residence and a possible mutual existence. Today, the world as a space of residence which also refers to existence is our most fundamental responsibility. We have to undertake this responsibility against the phenomena of globalization which leads to destruction of the word by immense technological, economic and cultural inequality. Nancy underlines the significance of initiating a rigorous fight for a possibility of a world immediately without procrastinating –by undertaking the responsibility of the present− at a certain point when the word is drifted towards a direction that will gradually end up with its self-destruction: We have to actualize the possibility of an actual worldization for the sake of a world which is the thing that has to shape the opposite of globalization. In this study, it is discussed how a world that we mutually experience and where any kind of struggle occurs, can reveal the capacity of self-creation based on the philosophical thought of Nancy. In addition to this, it is investigated what kind of an existentialism that is to say what kind of an existence can actualize the fundamental way of creating the world. In this respect, the relationship between existentialism and “with” is touched upon, because Nancy supports “existence ‘with’: otherwise nothing can exist”. Nancy stipulates that in today’s world where we extremely need the ontology of being with each other, ‘existence with-‘has the power of revealing the equity and sense of the world. In this study, it is discussed how such power can be maintained with a common existence as singular plural beings. In this attempt of discussion, putting the demand for democracy into the center, it is tired to be explained how democracy as the power of people can improve the creative possibilities of the human beings that stay together. The most important matter introduced in this study is the idea that we have to undertake the responsibility of recreating the world as singular plural beings and the act of actualizing the incessant creation of the world based on this idea. The determining property of what makes the world exist is the possibility that the world can decisively and absolutely be the subject of its own worldliness. We can actualize this possibility by the ‘with’ underlying in the fundament of our existence, which is the common existence.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmada, Nancy’nin felsefesinin “dünyanın anlamı” hakkında nasıl bir düşünüm geliştirdiği üzerinde durulacaktır. Nancy’nin mutlak bir içkinlik olarak gördüğü dünya düşüncesinin “ortak-varoluş”la ve “ile-olmak” fikriyle nasıl bir temas içinde olduğu gösterilecektir. Nancy için varoluşun ortak olgusu bir dünyanın paylaşımıdır. Dünya varoluşa dışsal olmaktan ziyade, kendimizi içinde bulduğumuz, paylaşılmış bir varoluşu deneyimlediğimiz bir yerdir. İkamet etme yeri olarak dünya, yani varoluş, bugün bizim en temel sorumluluğumuzdur. Bu sorumluluğu yoğun bir teknolojik, ekonomik ve kültürel eşitsizlikle dünyayı yıkıma uğratmakta olan küreselleşme olayına karşı üstlenmemiz gerekmektedir. Nancy, dünyanın giderek kendisini yok edecek bir yola sürüklendiği bir süreçte, hemen, ertelemeksizin ve bir dünya olasılığını açabilmek amacıyla her türlü mücadeleye girişmemiz gerektiğinin önemini vurgular. Bu çalışmada da, Nancy’nin felsefi düşüncesinden hareketle, bu mücadelelerin gerçekleşeceği yer olan ortaklık içinde deneyimlediğimiz bir dünyanın kendini yaratma kapasitesini nasıl açığa çıkarabileceği tartışılacaktır. Bununla birlikte, dünyayı yaratmanın en temel yolunun nasıl bir varoluş biçimiyle, yani nasıl bir mevcudiyetle yaşama geçirilebileceği incelenecektir.



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