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The distance nursing education programs provide an alternative way to solve nurse shortage. In creating these programs, the perception of nurses toward distance education are important. The perceptions of nurses are not known in Turkey. There is no a perception scale. The study was carried out to develop the perception scale towards the distance nursing education. The study was carried out to develop the perception scale towards the distance nursing education. The sample of the study consisted of 777 nurses who agreed to participate in this study. The Perception Scale towards Distance Nursing Education (perstoDNE) is a valid and reliable. The scale’s total Cronbach alpha coefficient was found .96. The correlations of each item with total point were between .29 and .63. In factor analysis which is done with varimax rotation for construct validity, whose eigenvalue is over 1, explaining 41.27 %of total variability, 4 factors consisting of 49 items was obtained the scale. These factors are named “Learning”, “Communication and Evaluation”, “Technology”, and “Management”. Scale studies should be repeated with nurses who working in different parts of the World. These studies are important for the comparison of the results and the redesign of the scale.



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