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This study examines learner’s characteristics by focusing on attitude towards distance education of distance learners from graduate level to Post-Graduate Level through distance education and their Academic Success. The study was conducted in India five cities of Uttar Pradesh and data was collected from 600 graduate and post graduate distance learners from three Universities viz. IGNOU, UPRTOU and SVSU using stratified sampling method. The findings revealed that the distance learners have above average attitudes towards distance education and statistically significant difference was observed in course, gender and marital status with regard to attitude towards distance education of distance learners. Course wise, the graduate distance learners depict significantly more favorable attitude towards distance education than post-graduate distance learners. Gender wise, the male distance learners have been found to have significantly more favorable attitude towards distance education than female distance learners. Marital status wise, the married distance learners have been found to have more favorable attitude towards distance education than unmarried distance learners. The study found that good and moderate correlation exists between attitude towards distance education and academic success.



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