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Fresh Properties and Corrosion Resistance of SCC Containing Nano-SiO2

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC), as a new kind of high-performance concrete with growing demand in the construction industry, is vulnerable to corrosion like other concretes. So, the main focus of this study is the role of Nano-Silica (NS) on durability against the chloride electrochemical and sulfuric acid chemical attacks. To do so, an experimental program was conducted to investigate the effect of colloidal NS on the chloride and sulfuric acid corrosion beside the rheological properties of the fresh SCC specimens. The SCC workability demand was fulfilled by Superplasticizer and Air-Entraining Agent (AEA) in order of 2% and 0.2% by weight of cement. The cement and water-to-cementitious materials ratio were respectively taken as 450 Kg/m3 and 0.5. The NS replacement was: 0%, 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% by weight. The results indicated that the highest and lowest LS occurred, respectively for 0% and 2.5% Ns after 6 weeks in sulfuric acid solution. In NaCl environment, no steel corrosion found after 14 and 28 days. But at 90 days, the probability of corrosion by half-cell test in the mixture with 7.5% NS was the least.



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International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 6, Issue 65, June 2017 80 Paper ID: 66517-12
ISSN: 2251-8843
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