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Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Evolved Lavas from Wainama East (S. E. Mount Oku Flank, CVL)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The Wainama East lavas are an integral part of the Mount Oku, which belong to the continental domain of the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL). The Wainama East evolved lava includes; basanite, basalt, mugearite and rhyolite with fluidal and flow banding. The lavas are alkaline in nature corroborated by high ratios of (Ce/Yb)N=4.341 and (La/Yb)N=11.457. These lavas also present weak to strong positive anomalies in europium. The La/Nb ratios of the Wainama East lavas range from 0.69-0.94 which is closer to OIB with EM1 and EM2 signatures. The Wainama East lava originates from the partial melting of a garnet peridotite at a rate of 1-2% in a volcanic intraplate context. Discrimination diagrams indicate an intraplate volcanic setting of these lavas.



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International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 6, Issue 61, February 2017 141 Paper ID: 66117-18
ISSN: 2251-8843
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