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Ethanol Production from Cassava Root Sieviate

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Two stage dilute acid hydrolysis was carried out on Cassava root sieviate (CRS). The proximate analysis revealed a high composition of cellulose and hemicellulose. The first stage hydrolysis gave a glucose yield of 20.4g/100 g dry weight. In the second stage hydrolysis, 10% v/v acid concentration gave an optimum glucose yield of 23.59g/ dry weight (d.w) at 140oC, 120 min. An optimum glucose yield of 24.38g/d.w was obtained at 170oC and 30 mins for 15% acid concentration. Activation energy (Ea) of 29.96 KJ and 40.99 KJ was obtained for k1 and k2 respectively, for 10% acid concentration while activation energy of 38.380KJ and 10.799KJ was obtained for k1 and k2 respectively, for 15% acid concentration. Optimization of the second stage hydrolysis gave optimum glucose yield of 25g/d.w at acid concentration of 13.36%, 110.3oC and 44.1 mins. After 36hrs of fermentation, ethanol yield of 95mg.L was obtained. These work shows that CRS an agricultural waste can be hydrolysed and fermented into ethanol, a useful product.



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