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Deprem güvenliği yetersiz betonarme bir bina için farklı güçlendirme önerilerinin karĢılaĢtırılması

Comparison of Different Retrofitting Proposals for a Reinforced Concrete Building with Inefficient Earthquake Safety

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The big portion of our country is in the earthquake zone and the most important preparation against to this situation is to construct the earthquake-resistant buildings. The most important parameter for earthquakeresistant buildings is to construct them in accordance with existing specifications. However; we know that the specifications are continually updated depending on the novel developments. Therefore, the buildings constructed by using previous specifications should be also investigated again. In that context, some applications have been used to increase the strength of existing buildings are called as retrofitting. Retrofitting is a necessity and its applications may be various by using different materials. Most of the existing buildings in Turkey have been constructed as reinforced concrete and this tradition is valid for the currently constructed buildings. Among the important factors in the emergence of retrofitting necessity of existing buildings are the time-dependent corrosion of the buildings, concrete produced in unsuitable conditions, performing the checks insufficiently during the construction, consolidation on the building foundation, modification in occupancy of structural system, adding new structural members subsequently, removing some members from building and changing of design specifications. Pulling down the existing buildings and rebuilding of them may be inappropriate for economic reasons. Therefore, retrofitting could be preferred providing that reasonable cost. According to ‘Specification for Building to be Built in Seismic Zone (2007)’, the probability of occuring a high-intensity earthquake for the existing buildings during their service life is so high. For this reason, retrofitting necessity could be inevitable for the structural safety. There are lots of articles and theses in the subject of retrofitting of reinforced concrete structures. Some studies could be summarized as follows: Ghobarah et al. (2000) investigated the earthquake performance of an existing office building. They obtained the performance curve by using non-linear pushover analysis. Çetinkaya N. (2002) examined the retrofitting and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures using FRP (fiber retrofitting polymer) composite materials. It is demonstrated that the retrofitting and strengthening by using FRP increased the load carrying capacity of members of structures. Rocha et al. (2004) presented different numerical simulations for retrofitting of reinforced concrete frame structures and the results obtained from the numerical simulations are compared to the results obtained from the experimental studies. Hueste and Bai (2007) investigated the earthquake performance of five-story reinforced concrete office structure constructed in 1980s. Three different retrofitting proposals such as adding of shear walls, jacketing of columns, binding of plastic zone of columns by using steel plates are used to increase the earthquake performance and the results of these applications are compared to each other. The comparisons showed that the most appropriate proposal is the adding of shear walls. Gürol K.B. (2007) evaluated different retrofitting strategies for reinforced concrete structures with inefficient earthquake structures. The influence of each retrofitting strategies to structure behaviour is investigated by using experimental studies existed in the literature. In addition, application details are given for the proposed strategies. In this study, various retrofitting proposalsare presented for a building with inefficient earthquake safety by using Sta4CAD structural analysis software and the cost analyses for each proposalare calculated by using OSKA approximate costanalysis software. The results obtained from these proposals are compared to eachother and the existing structure. The results showed that the retrofitting proposal including shear walls both outer and inner axes yielded more appropriate solution in terms of strength and cost.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Yüz ölçümünün büyük bölümü I. derece deprem kuşağı üzerinde bulunan ülkemizde bu duruma karşı yapılacak en önemli hazırlık, hayatlarımızı sürdürdüğümüz yapıların depreme dayanıklı olmasını sağlamaktır. Yapıların depreme dayanıklı olmasında mevcut yönetmeliklere uygun projelendirilmesi ve projesine uygun inşa edilmesi en önemli etkenlerdir. Bununla birlikte yönetmeliklerin yeni gelişmeler gözönüne alınarak değişmesi sebebiyle önceki yönetmelikler esas alınarak inşa edilen binaların incelenmesi gerekebilmektedir. Bu kapsamda mevcut binaların taşıma kapasitelerinin arttırılması için bazı çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmaların tamamı güçlendirme olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Güçlendirme yerleşim alanlarının tümünde uygulanması gerekebilecek bir ihtiyaçtır. Her yerleşim alanında kullanılan malzemeye bağlı olarak güçlendirme uygulamaları da çeşitlilik göstermektedir. Türkiye'deki mevcut yapıların büyük çoğunluğu betonarme bina olup yeni yapılan binaların çoğunluğu da betonarme olarak inşaa edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, deprem güvenliği yetersiz betonarme bir bina için Sta4CAD programı yardımıyla farklı güçlendirme önerileri sunulmuş ve her öneri için maliyet analizi OSKA yaklaşık maliyet hesaplama programı ile yapılmıştır. Bu önerilerden elde edilen sonuçlar birbirleriyle ve mevcut binadan elde edilen sonuçlarla kıyaslanmıştır. Bu kıyaslmaların sonucunda; bina dış akslarına ve iç akslarına perdelerin yerleştirildiği güçlendirme önerisinin rijitlik ve maliyet açısından daha uygun sonuçlar verdiği tespit edilmiştir.



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