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Abstract (2. Language): 
Dedicated to the memory of Amiran Kurtkan Bilgiseven the purpose of this paper is to give an insider account of her life and works. Amiran Kurtkan Bilgiseven was a professor of Istanbul University and a prominent member of scientific community and a prolific writer of sociology with wide genuine interests ranging from sociology of finance to economics, from rural sociology to development and industry, from sociology of religion to Sufism and theology. Her wide range of interests rendered her sociological approach a unique character. Bilgiseven's integrative sociology found its sources deep into the Turkish-Islamic culture. But she. remained well above all ideological conceptions of religious and secular sorts in her thought and worldview. Her contributions to Turkish sociology will be much appreciated proportionately as critical approach among the scientific community in Turkey gets stronger. Her books, articles and Works not only provide comprehensive knowledge on the subjects but also show evidence of strong reasoning and unique style to the reader. Beyond her valuable contributions to sociology as a scientist, Professor Bilgiseven has been much appreciated and admired for her kind and accomplished personality, for her altruism and richness of her deep inner world. by all who know her.



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