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Abstract (2. Language): 
The paper basically explores the competitiveness of the Turkish industries in the EU Market by employing different trade measures such as the Balassa’s Revealed Comparative Advantage Index (RCA), Vollrath’s Revealed Competitiveness Index, Grubel-Lloyd Index, and Brülhart B Marginal Intra-Industry Trade Index. The main drawback of the existing empirical literature is that various RCA indices are widely used to explain the competitiveness of a country. This paper however not only focuses on various RCA indices but some additional and complementary measures of competitiveness are also applied since they underline different aspects/dimensions of competitiveness. Consistency of the results of various trade measures are then compared by using the Sperman Rank Correlation and Kruskal Wallis tests. Based on the empirical results, some policy implications are drawn.

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