Simulation supported analytic hierarchy approach in public transport mode selection
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Abstract (2. Language):
Critical decisions that are taken at the stage of
planning new transportation investments or
improving present transportation systems usually
turn out to be selecting one alternative among
others. The most important condition in transport
mode selection is to make a comparison between
different alternatives. This comparison stage is
perhaps the most precision-requiring stage in the
transport mode selection process. The comparison
process has many difficulties. The foremost difficulty
is to decide on the factors to be included in the
comparison. Some of these factors are quantitative
or are capable of being quantified; many others are
qualitative. Evaluation of the qualitative factors
requires experience and enforces the correct
jurisdictions. Therefore, defining the comparison
process with just a quantitative model is not
meaningful. Accordingly, expressing the results of
the comparison analysis with just a single
quantitative value would not be accurate. One of the
important problems in comparing investment alternatives
come out in including the some criteria that
cannot be expressed numerically in the analysis.
These kinds of criteria are either incorrectly quantified
and included in the analysis or they are being
tried to be evaluated verbally.
In this study, one of the methods that are developed
for including both numerical and nonnumeric criteria
in the evaluation, the analytical hierarchy
method is used. This method is supported by a travel
time simulation model; and an application that can
be useful in public transport mode selection is made.
When deciding on a new investment that is going to
be made within an urban public transport system,
several criteria, which expand over a broad scale,
should be taken into consideration. Since they make
non-numerical important factors considerable, using
multiple criteria decision making processes will be
more meaningful in selecting a public transport
mode. Analytical hierarchy method, which is one of
multiple criteria decision making methods, is used in
this study. This method provides meaningful results
because of its simplicity and its ability to be adopted
for different conditions. For evaluating some of the
varying physical conditions, a simulation model is
developed and used. Thus, the proposed method can
be called a simulation supported analytic hierarchy
Forecasting the possible performance of a public
transport mode in a corridor has numerous benefits.
It is important to forecast the performance in order
to make accurate decisions on factors like vehicle
frequency, station places and station spacing and in
deciding between more than one alternative. The
varying performance of a public transport based on
characteristics like varying passenger demand,
speed, station spacing and boarding/alighting time
(according to payment type and other physical factors)
system can be forecasted with the help of a
simulation model. Such a simulation model is developed
in this study. The performance indicator in the
model is travel time. The model is run separately for
busway and tram systems.
In this study, two different examples for an urban
corridor on which a public transport system will be
built were taken into consideration. The alternatives
of “busway” and “tram” were evaluated in the two
examples, which are the Beşiktaş-Levent and Taksim-
Aksaray corridors. As stated above, the analytical
hierarchy method was utilised in deciding on the
public transport alternative. In the analytical hierarchy
method, first, the weights (w) of each alternative
and each criterion should be estimated. A survey
was organised in order to receive the experts’ opinions.
After assessing the expert opinions gathered
through the survey, relative weights of each criterion
was determined. In the following step, the
weights of each criterion for each of the public
transport alternatives were estimated. For quantitative
criteria, information from different sources was
used; while for non-quantitative criteria, the second
part of the survey was utilised. The weights of the
criteria at the lower level of the hierarchy, which
was defined by the analytical hierarchy method,
were estimated for busway and tram alternatives
through the method explained above. In the following
step, these weights were multiplied by the criteria’s
own weights that are placed in the middle level
of the hierarchy. The results for each alternative
were then summed up in order to find a total weight
for each alternative. The results show that the relative
weight of the busway is slightly higher than that
of the tram’s. With the analytical hierarchy method,
the busway is found out to be a more preferable option
than the tram.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Ulaştırma yatırımları ve özellikle de kentiçi koridorlarda gerçekleştirilecek olan toplu taşıma yatırımlarında
hangi ulaştırma türünün tercih edileceği son derece önemli bir karardır. Bu tercihte bir
bölümü nicel bir bölümü ise nitel olan pek çok faktör etkili olur. Ölçüt olarak kabul edilen bu faktörlerin
hepsinin birlikte değerlendirmede etkili olmasını sağlayacak yöntemlerden bir tanesi, bir
çok ölçütlü karar verme yöntemi olan analitik hiyerarşi yöntemidir. Bu çalışmada bir kentiçi koridorda,
hangi toplu taşıma sisteminin uygulanması gerektiğine ilişkin verilecek olan karar süreci
için analitik hiyerarşi yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Öte yandan, toplu taşıma türünün seçimi, seçenek türlerin
performanslarının koşullara göre nasıl değişeceği öngörülerek yapılmalıdır. Toplu taşıma sistemlerinde
performans göstergelerinden önemli bir tanesi taşıtların yolculuk süreleridir. Taşıtların
yolculuk süreleri bir dizi etmene göre değişmektedir. Değişen yolcu talebi, durak aralıkları, ödeme
türü ve buna bağlı olarak ödeme süresi, taşıt hızı, yolcuların taşıtlara biniş ve iniş süresi gibi koşullara
göre toplu taşıma sistemlerinin performanslarının nasıl değiştiğini görebilmek için bu çalışmada
bir simülasyon modeli geliştirilmiştir. Bu simülasyon modeli ile elde edilen sonuçlar, toplu
taşıma türleri arasında seçim yapılması amacıyla kullanılan analitik hiyerarşi yöntemine uyarlanmıştır.
Analitik hiyerarşi yönteminde, toplu taşıma türü seçimi için göz önüne alınacak diğer ölçütler
belirlenmiştir. Ölçütlerin kendi aralarında ve iki toplu taşıma türü seçeneği için ağırlıkları anket
ve sayısal değerlerin karşılaştırılması ile saptanmıştır. Bu simülasyon destekli analitik hiyerarşi
yöntemi, İstanbul kenti içerisindeki iki koridorda “otobüs yolu” ve “tramvay” seçenekleri için uygulanmıştır.
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