
İnşaat sektöründe ekonomik malzeme yönetim sistem seçimi için simulasyon modeli

A simulation-based decision support tool for economical materials management system in the construction industry

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Materials constitute a large proportion of the total cost of construction. Proper management of the material flow may play a significant role in enhancing the effectiveness of a contractor. The generally acknowledged rules of materials management are small orders, frequent deliveries, and reduced inventory. A contractor should be familiar with the impacts of lot size (large or small) and buffer size (large, medium or small) as governed by contractor’s scheduling practice (optimistic, neutral or pessimistic) in handling uncertainty and variability on the economics of the each material management alternative at the beginning of the project in order to make a decision on the most economical alternative that will be used throughout the project. The main objective of this study is to provide contractors with an objective and dynamic tool, namely a discrete event simulation model, to assist them in selecting the most economical materials management system by recommending buffer sizes, a scheduling practice, and lot sizes given the special conditions of the project at the beginning of the project. After the simulation-based decision support tool was completed, it was time to plug the actual data obtained from the completed three trade center projects into the simulation model and run the model. The case studies revealed that using the simulation-based decision support tool provided the contractor with a cost saving of 4.2-7.3% in the studied projects
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bir yüklenici inşaat firması, projenin en başında, bolluk miktarı (büyük, orta veya küçük), planlama yaklaşımı (iyimser, nötr veya kötümser) ve parti hacmine (büyük veya küçük) bağlı olarak değişen 18 değişik malzeme yönetim alternatifinden birini seçebilir. Bu araştırmada, yüklenici inşaat firmalarına, en düşük toplam envanter maliyetini oluşturacak olan bolluk miktarını, planlama yaklaşımını ve parti hacmini tavsiye edecek simulasyon tabanlı karar destek modeli geliştirilmiş ve bu model yardımı ile tamamlanmış olan üç ticaret merkezi projesinden elde edilen veriler kullanılarak sözkonusu malzeme yönetim sistem alternatifleri için toplam envanter maliyeti hesaplanmıştır. İncelenen projelerde, geliştirilen modelin uygulanması, yüklenici inşaat firmalarına %4.2-7.3’lük bir maliyet kazancı sağlamıştır.