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Abstract (2. Language): 
The objective of this study was to use spray drying technique to prepare mucoadhesive microcapsules (microparticles) of the antialzheimer drug, Galantamine, in combination with the natural polymer, chitosan, for nasal administration. The effect of different proportion of chitosan on the powder and particle characteristics was also studied. Solutions containing different proportions of chitosans were prepared and spray dried which produced the microparticles having average particle size of 18 μ with the highest production yield of 72%. The size, shape and morphology of the microparticles were also determined by scanning electron microscope. The particle size and particle size distribution of prepared microparticles were determined by projection microscope and the SPAN factor was calculated. The prepared microparticles ware studied for the ex-vivo mucoadhesion and the value found to be more than 180 min. The swelling property of the microparticles was studied and the swelling index was found in the range of 0.68 to 1.42. Solid-state analysis was undertaken using Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FT-IR). The drug release profiles were investigated and the time required to reach maximum solution concentrations (Tmax) was used for comparison. The entrapment efficiency was determined by UV spectrophotometry, with a range of 88-97% drug loading in the microparticles. The microparticles were spherical with a narrow size distribution, irrespective of the formulation. Tmax increased as the proportion of chitosan increased. All the formulation shows the Tmax in the range of 60 to 90 min. Spray drying is a suitable technique for making mucoadhesive microparticles of galantamine and chitosan for nasal administration. The dispersion and release of the drug was affected by the proportion of the chitosan. The nasal administration device for prepared microparticles was successfully developed by the modification of the Rotahaler® device.



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