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Abstract (2. Language): 
A simple, accurate, precise and sensitive UV spectrophotometric method is developed for the simultaneous estimation of Cefixime and Linezolid in tablet dosage form. The method is based on the First order derivative method. In first order derivative method, the quantification was achieved by 247.6 nm (zero crossing point of linezolid) and 236.6 nm (zero crossing point of cefixime) over the concentration range of 2-30 μg/ml respectively for estimation of cefixime and linezolid in tablet dosage form. The correlation coefficient of cefixime and linezolid were found to be 0.9992 and 0.9995 respectively. The method was validated for linearity, accuracy and precision as per ICH guidelines and hence can be used for the quantitative analysis of commercially available dosage form.



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