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Abstract (2. Language): 
Investigations into the cytotoxic activity of extracts of ten medicinal plants found in the Nigerian floral environment were carried out against the larvae (nauplii) of Artemia salina (Leach). The phytochemical screening revealed that both anthraquinones and cyanogenic glycosides were absent in all the plants except A. indica which tested positive for cyanogenic glycosides. However, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, cardiac glycosides, terpenes and flavonoids were either present or absent. The brine-shrimp lethality was analyzed using the Finney probit program and expressed in LD50 (ppm). The leaf extracts of P. Angolensis, C. Papaya and A. Indica were strongly active at LD50 values of 2.56, 2.73 and 76.56 ppm which compare favourably with literature values below 200 ppm which are considered as ‘significant’. However, the LD50 values of leaf extracts of A. Hispida (555.92 ppm) and A. Wilkesiana (Lace variety) (384.45 ppm) and seed extract of G. Kola (567.76 ppm) which are above the 200 ppm are regarded as ‘marginal’ or weakly active. These findings have revealed potential plant templates which could further be studied for detailed anti-cancer or tumor activity.



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