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Abstract (2. Language): 
Acyclovir is an antiviral agent which is active in vitro against Herpes simplex (HSV) types I and II and Varicella zoster virus (VZV). Fluctuating biological short half life, low bioavailability, distorted therapeutic drug regimen are some of the characteristics that bestow upon acyclovir to be an ideal Sustained release candidate. The present research paper focuses on designing sustained release tablets of acyclovir to ensure time-dependent, sustained release formulation with optimizing the process variables and perform pre-formulation studies. The results obtain show the linear regression analysis of all the fabricated tablets shown as R2 values . When the data were plotted according to the first-order equation, for all formulations (ACL1 to ACL8) showed a fair linearity, with regression (R2) values between (0.685 - 0.915) clearly indicate that drug was not release as per first order mechanism. These values suggested that more than one mechanism may be involved in release kinetic. In the case of formulation ACL3 with Xanthan gum and sodium alginate shows non-fickian diffusion mechanism with n value as (0.925) therefore diffusion with erosion mechanism play role release from natural gum. So ACL3 was taken as a best formulation to achieve a prolonged maintenance of effective concentrations of drug for a period of 12hrs.



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