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Abstract (2. Language): 
Immediate release dosage form has emerged as alternative oral dosage forms. Immediate drug release dosage forms disintegrate rapidly after administration with enhanced rate of dissolution. The basic approach used in development of tablets is the use of superdisintegrants like Cross linked Polyvinylpyrrolidone or Crosspovidone (Polyplasdone), Sodium starch glycolate (Primogel, Explotab), Carboxymethylcellulose (Croscarmellose) etc. These superdisintegrants provide instantaneous disintegration of tablet after administration in stomach. Among all dosage forms, tablet is the most popular dosage form existing today because of its convenience of self administration, compactness and easy manufacturing; sometimes immediate onset of action is required than conventional therapy in many cases. In this field immediate release liquid dosage forms and parenteral dosage form have also been introduced for treating patients. In liquid dosage form can be suspensions with typical dispersion agents like hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, AOT (dioctylsulfosuccinate) etc. The development of immediate release therapy also provides an opportunity for a line extension in the marketplace, a wide range of drugs e.g., neuroleptics, cardiovascular drugs, analgesics, antihistamines and other drugs can be considered candidates for this dosage form. As a drug entity nears the end of its patent life, it is common for pharmaceutical manufacturers to develop a given drug entity in a new and improved dosage form.



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