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Abstract (2. Language): 
The goal of the study was to formulate controlled release matrix tablets of losartan potassium by using a combination of HPMCK100M, eudragit L-100 and eudragit S-100. Losartan potassium is used in the treatment of hypertension. It has a short half life(2 hrs). Losartan potassium 50mg controlled release matrices were prepared by direct compression method and evaluated for thickness, hardness, weight variation, friability, drug content and in-vitro release of drug. Invitro drug release was carried out using USP type II apparatus at 50 rpm in 900ml of dissolution media for 12 hrs. Mean dissolution time is used to evaluate drug release rate from a dosage form and indicates the drug release retarding efficiency of polymer. Various kinetics model were applied to the dissolution profile to determine the drug release kinetics. All the physical characteristics evaluated for the tablets were obtained to be within the acceptable limits. The release profile of optimized formulation of losartan potassium were close to zero order release pattern. Irrespective of the polymer type and its concentration, the prepared optimized matrix tablets showed non fickian (anomalous) release. Finally it was clear that HPMCK100M, eudragit L-100 and eudragit S-100 are good candidates for preparing controlled release matrix tablets of losartan potassium.



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