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- Akademik Bakış
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The role of history-writing is underlined to establish co-existence way in this article. At first step, a conceptual framework about co-existence was identified, then, conceptual accumulation was discussed concerning sensitive issues in history-writing. In this way, the theoretical accumulation, which is for moderating conflict of history-writing and co-existence, is attempted to release and some sections of Dersim Rebellion literature are implemented upon this knowledge. The history writing about Dersim events draws attention with the conflictive character it has. In this study, subjected character of the study is pointed. It is detected that especially the state focused expressions are slogged on comprehending and acknowledging the events. It is monitored that Dersim axis has a tendency to represent the event combining with the other political experiences by presenting a more political approach.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu makalede, birlikte ya§amin tesis edilmesinde tarih yaziminin rolu vurgulanmaya gali§ilmi§tir. Bu dogrultuda ilk olarak birlikte ya§am hakkinda bir kuramsal gergeve olu§turulmu§, ardindan duyarli konulardaki tarih yazimina dair kuramsal birikim ele alinmi§tir. Boylelikle birlikte ya§am ve tarih yaziminin ihtilaflarin yumu§atilmasina yonelik kuramsal birikim telif edilmeye gali§ilmi§ ve Dersim Olaylari literaturunden bazi kesitler uzerine uygulanmaya gali§ilmi§tir. Zira Dersim Olaylari hakkindaki tarih yazimi bu surece egemen gati§maci karakter ile dikkat gekmektedir. Bu gali§mada ilgili yazimin soz konusu karakteri uzerinde durulmu§tur. Bu baglamda olgulari ihmal edebilen egilimler gorulmu§tur. Ozellikle devlet odakli anlatimlarin olaylari kavramakta ve kabullenmekte zorlandigi tespit edilmi§tir. Dersim ekseninin ise daha politik bir yakla§im sergileyerek konuyu ba§ka siyasi tecrubelerle birle§tirerek anlatma egilimi oldugu gozlenmi§tir.
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