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Abstract (2. Language): 
R. Dahl, G. Sartori, A. de Tocqueville as thinkers have contributed directly to the theoretical framework of democracy. This concept incorporates various values such as free voters, fair elections, politicians' limitations by constitutional and civil society. S. Huntington has made significant studies the direction and time of the journey of democracy that explain its own classification in addition to the contribution of these thinkers. Especially, the first wave of democracy followed on the reverse wave has brought forth some of authoritarian practices in the world. Also Ataturk period corresponds process of the first reverse wave. Described as Kemalist Democracy conceptualization of democracy is not a coincidence some of the implemented policy which discussions often about democratizations in this period. In this article aims to discuss to the concept of Kemalist Democracy, the events and practical in the period of Ataturk the framework of the democratization of the application. While discussing, attend to use Heidegger's "time and space" conceptualization. In brief, the international conditions are taken attention because of more accurate; interpret the events that occurred at the time.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Demokrasi kavrami, R. Dahl, G. Sartori, A. de Tocquivelli gibi du§unurlerin teorik gergevesine dogrudan katkida bulundugu, ozgiir segment, adil segimler, siyasetgilerin anayasal sinirlandirmalara tabiligi, sivil toplum gibi ge§itli degerleri igerisinde barindirmaktadir. Du§unurlerin bu katkilarinin yani sira S. Huntington da demokrasi seruveninin yonunu ve zamanini kendi siniflandirmasiyla agikladigi onemli gali§malarda bulunmu§tur. Ozellikle birinci demokrasi dalgasinin akabinde ortaya gikan ters dalga dunya uzerinde bazi otoriter uygulamalari da beraberinde getirmi§tir. Ataturk donemi de i§ bu noktada birinci ters dalganin ya§andigi surece denk gelmektedir. Uygulanan kimi politikalarin demokratikliginin sikga tarti§ildigi bu donemde Turkiye ozelinde Ataturkgu demokrasi olarak nitelendirilen bir kavramsalla§tirilmaya gidilmesi tesaduf degildir. Qali§ma Ataturkgu demokrasi kavramini, bulundugu donemde ya§anan olaylar ve pratikler goz onune alinarak, uygulamalarin demokratikligi gergevesinde tarti§mayi amaglamaktadir. Bunu yaparken konuyla, Heidegger'in zaman ve mekan degerleri uzerinden yorumlamaya ozen gosterilmi§tir. Ezcumle, meydana gelen olaylarin ya§andigi donem igerisinde degerlendirildiginde yapilan ele§tirilerin daha yerinde olacagi du§uncesinden yola gikilarak donemin uluslararasi toplu durumu da dikkate alinmi§tir.