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Abstract (2. Language): 
With this study, it is aimed to draw a potential erosion risk map needed to be used for planning the precautions against erosion, which is one of the biggest problems of our country, by using advanced techniques. An area of 1126 km2 including Çeşme Karaburun peninsula, which is located on the west coast of Turkey, has been selected as study area. RUSLE soil loss factors have been used in the study. Each factor used for detecting the soil loss has been determined geographically from different sources and recorded as layer in database according to Geographic information system. In the study, for determining C factor 15-m spatial resolution ASTER image, for determining "L" and "S" factors numerical counter lines, for determining "R" factor weather observation results, for determining "K" factor soil order maps have been used. Afterwards, layers are united by using spatial intersection and new polygons containing all attributes have been created. After the database was created, Rusle model has been applied and as a result soil loss has been determined for each polygon. At the end of the study, it has been determined that Çeşme Karaburun peninsula, selected as study area, has 1.279.548 ton/ha/year.



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