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Abstract (2. Language): 
This case report describes the prosthetic treatment of a male patient with acromegaly. One of the more expectations of the patients is a functional and esthetic denture. In this article, denture application process to a patient with acromegaly, the respects which must have been taken into consideration and the related literature were examined and presented.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu vaka takdiminde akromegaliye sahip erkek hastanın protetik tedavisi anlatılmaktadır. Hastaların beklentilerinden biri de fonksiyonel ve estetik bir proteze sahip olmaktır. Makalede akromegalili bir hastaya protez uygulama işlemleri, dikkat edilmesi gerekli noktalar ve literatürler gözden geçirilerek sunulmuştur.



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