
Mәnfәәt vergitutmasının bәzi nәzәri-metodoloji mәsәlәlәri

Theoretical and methodological issues of corporate income taxation

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Corporate tax system is a patchwork of overly complex, inefficient and unfair provisions that impose large costs on corporate business. Corporations seeking to minimize the costs imposed by the detrimental provisions in the domestic corporate tax system have adopted strategies to reduce overall tax exposure and increase profits. Such strategies include moving operations overseas, corporate inversions, transfer pricing, earnings stripping, and complex leasing arrangements, all to minimize taxation. This study provides a general overview and discussion of the important economic issues of the corporate income tax system and provides a primer on several reform options to enhance tax competitiveness.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Mənfəət vergisi iqtisadiyyatın tərəqqisi prosesində meydana çıxmış və daim dəyişən vergi sisteminin tərkib hissəsidir. Mənfəət vergitutmasının nəzəri-metodoloji əsaslarının araşdırılması mənfəət vergisinin ümumi iqtisadi sistemdə, o cümlədən vergi sistemində rolunu qiymətləndirməyə əlverişli şərait yaradır.



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2. Swenson D.L. Tax reforms and evidence of transfer pricing // National Tax Journal, March 2001,
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3. Rousslang D. J. International income shifting by US multinational corporations // Journal of Applied
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4. Соколов А.А. Теория налогов - Научное исследования. М.: ЮрИнфоР-Пресс, 2003, 500 с.

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