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Product placement is the ‘inclusion of branded products or brand identifiers, through audio and/or visual means within mass media programming’ (Kuhn et.al., 2010). Since this is a limited definition because the platforms, where product placement began to appear, have been increased to a wider level, the definition may be altered as ‘the purposeful incorporation of commercial content into noncommercial settings, that is, a product plug generated via the fusion of advertising and entertainment, while it is becoming a common practice to place products and brands into mainstream media including films, broadcast and TV programs, computer/video games, blogs, music videos/DVDs, magazines, books, comics, musicals, plays, radio, Internet, and mobile phones’ (Williams et al., 2011). Even, images of products can now be ‘digitally inserted into a film or TV program after the program has actually been made’. What distinguishes product placement from other types of marketing communication is that, it is embedded into and dominated by the media content (McDonnell & Drennan, 2010). According to Williams et al. (2011), the purposes of product placement include achieving prominent audience exposure, desire, attention, and interest; increasing brand awareness, consumer memory and product recall; creating instant recognition in the media vehicle and at the point of purchase; changing buyers' behavior, intent or evaluations of the brand; creating favorable practitioners' views on brand placement; and promoting buyers' behavior towards the practice of product placement and the various placement vehicles. Williams et al. (2004) noted that product placement has a remarkable effect on recall, and accordingly Pokrywczynski (2005) has found that consumers can accurately recall placed brands in films, using aided and free recall measures. In addition, brands placed prominently in a film scene enjoy higher brand recall than those that are not. Implicit memory leads people to respond using previously seen information without being aware that they are using that information (Schacter, 1987). Because product placement could direct people to choose the product without their recollection of the placement, implicit tests have become more common for the evaluation of product placement effectiveness (Shapiro & Krishnan, 2001). When people buy a product, they do not wish to spend very much time trying to get information about this product, thus implicit tests may ensure a good measure for consumer purchases. The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept of product recall so that it might help us bridge the gap between information management and product placement. The contribution of this study is to analyze Turkish TV series with respect to the concept of product placement and recall within knowledge management literature to fill the gap of this context in Turkey. According to the increasing interest in TV series and the latest regulations approved by ‘Radio and Television Supreme Council’ in Turkey, this study aims to investigate and demonstrate the effect of product placement techniques on knowledge recall and product recall as it is covered in this study’s context. The method of this study is based on a survey type for relational research method. Relationship analyses are carried in correlation analysis between dependent (research) variables. Difference analyses are preferred for the impact of selected independent variables on those dependent variables. Data are collected from the audiences of scope-in TV series through financial professionals of three biggest banks’ sales teams.



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The Journal of Knowledge Economy & Knowledge Management / Volume: VIII FALL
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