Threat categories and endemism status of plants in the distibution areas of pulley oak in the Lakes District
Journal Name:
- Biological Diversity and Conservation
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Abstract (2. Language):
This research was carried out in the distribution areas of pulley oak (Quercus vulcanica Boiss. and Heldr. ex
Kotschy) on the lakes district. In the study area, 33 sample plots were taken and it was determined 396 taxa The threat
categories of the endemic and rare species of pulley oak distribution areas were determined and evaluated according to
‘Red Data Book of Turkish Plants’(Ekim vd., 2000) and IUCN 3.1 criteria. A total of 56 plant taxa were identified as 54
endemic (13.6% of all taxa) and 2 non-endemic. Highest ratios of endemic taxa were from families Fabaceae (14.81%)
and Lamiaceae (13.00%). Phytogeographic elements among endemic taxa were listed as Mediterranean (37.0%), Irano-
Turanian (31.5%), Euro-Siberian (3.7%), while phytogeographic origin of 27.8 % of endemic taxa were unknown. The
number of endemic taxa and their threat categories are as follow, respectively 2 (3.6%) species was found to in
Critically, 4 (7.1%) in Endangered, 6 (10.7%) in Vulnerable, 14 (25.0%) in Near Threatened, 28 (50.0%) in Least
Concern. Two taxa are Vulnerable category that are non-endemic. In this study, threatened categories of Cota fulvida
(Grierson) Holub. in the category of DD (Data Deficient) were determined as CR (Critically). Although Peucedanum
gramminifolium Boiss. spreads in northern Anatolia, it has been identified on Dedegöl Mountains in southern Anatolia..
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu çalışma Göller Bölgesi’ndeki (Afyon: Sultan Dağları, Isparta: Şarkikaraağaç, Yenişarbademli ve Eğirdir-
Yukarıgökdere) kasnak meşesi (Quercus vulcanica Boiss. and Heldr. ex Kotschy) yayılış alanlarında 33 örnek alanda
gerçekleştirilmiş ve 396 adet bitki taksonu belirlenmiştir. Endemik ve nadir taksonların tehdit sınıfları ‘Türkiye Bitkileri
Kırmızı Kitabı’na (Ekim vd., 2000) ve IUCN 3.1 kriterlerine göre belirlenmiştir. Tehdit sınıfları belirlenen 56 bitki
taksonunun 54’ü endemik (tüm taksonlara oranı %13,6) ve 2’si endemik değildir. En yüksek endemizm oranına sahip
familyalar Fabaceae (%14,81) and Lamiaceae (%13,00)’dir. Endemik taksonların fitocoğrafik bölgeleri sırasıyla,
Akdeniz (%37,0), İran-Turan (%31,5), Avrupa-Sibirya (%3,7) olup, çok bölgeli takson oranı ise %27,8’dir. Endemik
taksonların tehdit sınıfları sırasıyla, 2’si Kritik, 4’ü Tehlikede, 6’sı Hassas, 14’ü Tehdite Yakın ve 28 takson Düşük
Riskli’dir. Endemik olmayan iki takson ise Hassas sınıfında yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmada, DD (Veri Yetersiz) sınıfında
bulunan Cota fulvida (Grierson) Holub.’nın tehdit sınıfı CR (Kritik) olarak belirlenmiştir. Peucedanum graminifolium
Boiss. Kuzey Anadolu’da yayılış gösteren bir tür olmasına rağmen, güney Anadolu’da Dedegöl Dağları’nda tespit
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