
Determination of Akbash Shepherd Dog raised in Turkey

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study was carried out to determine the body measurements of the Turkish Akbash Shepherd Dogs raised in provinces of Afyon, Ankara, Eskisehir and Manisa by comparing with some other dog breeds of Turkey by minding factors of sex, region and age. For this purpose, a total of 59 (34 male and 25 female) dogs was included in the study and the data were statistically analysed. Descriptive statistics and comparison results for live weight 44.9±0.80 kg, and height at shoulders 75.3±0.59, height at rump 74.2±0.64, body length 81.8±1.00, heart girth circumference 86.5±0.81, chest width 32.6±0.33, and cannon circumference 13.3±0.13 cm respectively. The overall results of the study showed that Turkish Akbash Shepherd dogs had a very close resemblance to the Turkish Kangal (Karabash) and Kars (Caucasian) Shepherd dogs related with body measurements. The Akbash Shepherd dogs reach mature body weight and size at around 2 years of age. The current study also demonstrated that the Turkish Akbash Shepherd dogs raised in provinces of Afyon and Manisa are smaller than dogs raised in Ankara and Eskisehir.



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