
Poultry meat consumption and consumer trends in Turkey

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study was conducted by Poultry Research Institute to determine the poultry meat consumption and consumer trends in Turkey. With this aim questionnaire forms composed of 26 questions were prepared. This questionnaire study was conducted with 2.241 families, which represent the consumer profile of Turkey, supplied by Turkish Statistical Institute. Data obtained from the questionnaire were evaluated by using SPSS programme (SPSS 17). 98.26% of the participants were determined to consume poultry meat. Yearly poultry meat consumption was found as 16.67 kg although it differed between regions. There was a positive correlation (r=0.222) between the people income level and the poultry meat consumption. 44.55% of the families prefered whole poultry meat carcass. Expiration date was taken into consideration by the 67.35% of the participants. Boiling was preferred by consumers as a cooking method with a rate of 44.73%. Halal slaughter has been considered important by 68.08% of people and these persons mentioned that it should be signified on the package. Avian influenza disease affected consumption negatively with a rate of 41.01%. 67.11% of the participants believing that the poultry meat production is not inspected adequately. As a result of the research, it was understood that poultry meat and products were widely consumed in different ways in Turkey.



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