
Fide büyüme dönemlerinde İran arpa (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotiplerinin tuz tolerans çalışması

The study of salt tolerance of Iranian barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes in seedling growth stages

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study was carried out in factorial experiment design on the basis of completely randomized design in 3 replications. Salinity treatments involved in 5 levels: S0=control, S1=37/5, S2=75, S3=150, S4=225 mmol/l from calcium chloride and sodium chloride with 2:1 ratio (Ca:Na) and other factors were 4 barley genotypes. The effects of salinity treatments were studied by sampling on dry weight of shoot, dry weight of roots, shoot length, leaf area and fresh weight of root and shoot. There were significant differences among genotypexstress interaction for all characters. The results showed that leaf area, dry weight of shoot, dry weight of root, shoot length, fresh weight of steam and fresh weight of root decreased in all barley varieties with increasing in salt level. However SINA and GORGAN 4 varieties in all levels of salinity have the highest tolerance at all salinity levels and ZAR and TORSH were the lowest tolerance.



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