
Akdeniz koşullarda atıksuların tedavisi için yapay ekosistemler (Fas)

Artificial ecosystems for wastewaters treatment under Mediterranean conditions (Morocco)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The use of well-designed and high efficient extensive wastewater technologies can provide subsequent economic advantages (low-cost investment and cheaper operational costs) and can contribute to protecting the environment and ensuring safe water resources (reuse of treated wastewater). Following the progressive experimentations led under Mediterranean climate (MHEA® Experimental Centre in M'Diq, NW of Morocco), the methodological and technological process of Hierarchised Mosaics of Artificial Ecosystems (MHEA®) permitted to identify multi-ecosystemic plants for urban-wastewaters treatment, passing the traditional extensive-plants efficiencies. Results obtained during the optimization period permit to provide the structure of several MHEA® technologies adapted to the South Mediterranean socio-economic and environmental context, respecting a net treatment area of 2 m2 PE-1, a total load of 5 000 PE ha-1 and a retention time of 15 days. The valorisation possibilities of waters treated (23 m3 PE-1 an-1), sludge (57 kg of dry weight PE-1 year-1) and aerial biomass of macrophytes under the Mediterranean climate constitute a significant economic input for these technologies.



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