
Bazı Tunuslu Arpa ekotiplerinin RAPD markırları ve morfo-fizyolojik karakterizasyonu

RAPD markers and morpho-physiological characterization of some Tunisian Barley ecotypes

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The genetic variation and relationships among 12 local barleys and the varieties Martin, Rihane and Manel were evaluated using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and morpho-physiological traits. To fulfil this purpose, some ecotypes were collected from different bioclimatic regions and studied at morpho-physiological and molecular levels. Our results showed differences among the ecotypes studied based on the morpho-physiological criteria such as heading date, density and ear length and response to saline stress. The molecular analysis showed the limits of the morpho-physiological approach. In fact, identical ecotypes were found grown in different parts of the country and the morpho-physiological differences observed could be due to adaptation to environmental conditions and acquired over time. Also, accessions that were grown mixed together in the same area and having similar physiological behaviour were found different using the RAPD markers method. This result showed an important degree of genetic variability, which indicating the Tunisian germplasm richness.



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