
Prejudice against Homosexuality and Locus of Control

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Bu çal›flman›n amac› eflcinselli¤e iliflkin önyarg›l› tutumlar ile içsel-d›flsal kontrol oda¤›, cinsiyet fark› ve sosyal temas aras›ndaki iliflkiyi araflt›rmakt›r. Türkiye’deki çeflitli üniversitelerden 198 ö¤renci bu çal› flmaya kat›lm›flt›r. Kat›l›mc›lar›n yafl ortalamas› 21.14 (SS = 2.38) de¤erindedir. Kat›l›mc›lar Hudson ve Ricketts’›n 25 maddelik Eflcinselli¤e iliflkin Tutumlar Ölçe¤i, ‹ç-d›fl Kontrol Oda¤› Ölçe¤i ve cinsiyet, sosyal temas ve yafl› içeren demografik bilgi fromunu doldurmufllard›r. Eflcinselli¤e iliflkin önyarg›l› tutumlar sadece d›fl kontrol oda¤›n›n kadere inanç, çaban›n anlams›zl›¤› ve flansa inanç alt faktörleri ile korelayon göstermifltir. ANOVA sonucuna göre, d›fl kontrol oda¤›, cinsiyet fark› ve sosyal temas ana etkileri istatistiksel olarak anlaml› bulunmufltur. Ancak, bu de¤iflkenler aras› etkileflim bulunamam›flt›r. Ayr›ca, yap›lan regresyon analizi sonucuna göre eflcinselli¤e iliflkin önyarg›y› kader inanç alt unsuru anlaml› bir flekilde yordam›flt›r.
Abstract (Original Language): 
The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between prejudice against homosexuality, internal-external locus of control, sex differences and social contact. A total of 198 university students from various Turkish universities participated in this study. The mean age of the participants was 21.14 (SD = 2.38). The participants filled Hudson and Ricketts’ 25-item Attitudes toward Homosexuality Scale, Internal-External Locus of Control Scale, and demographic variables including sex differences, social contact and age. The prejudice against homosexuality were only correlated with the sub-factors of external locus of control namely belief in fate, meaninglessness of effortfulness, and belief in chance. The performed ANOVA presented that the main effects of the level of external locus of control, sex differences, and social contact were only statistically significant, but there were no interactions between them. Regression analysis showed that belief in fate was the only significant predictor of the prejudice against homosexuality



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