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Abstract (2. Language): 
The focal point of this study has been to scrutinize the perception of Freiedrich von Schiller's works Râuber, Kabale und Liebe and Wilhelm Tell. Friedrich von Schiller's "Râuber" was the first German drama that was both translated in Turkish and put on stage in Otoman Theatre. The work was performed under discrete names in several years during the Administrative Reforms Period. The reason that the play was performed under discrete names seems as if it had been censored. The reason why it was censored may be explicated via the fact that it had links with banditry, which was not in congruous with the theatre and play conception in that period. What makes Friedrich von Schiller popular in Turkey is Giyom Tell that conveys it on a discrete plane. Wilhelm Tell or Giyom Tell so called in Turkey was perceived as an symbol of independence and freedom and found place in coursebooks. The hero of his work "Râuber" was the antagonist whereas Willem Tell was seen as the protagonist and perceived so. As for Kabale und Liebe, it was adopted as a melodrama to wath.



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