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Abstract (2. Language): 
The purpose of this study is to identify the reliability and validity strategies used in Instructional Technology research studies in Turkey. For this purpose, 42 doctoral dissertations published between 2005 and 2011 in the field of Instructional Technology were content analyzed, and then codes were created. Based on the code list, these doctoral dissertations were re-examined by means of the descriptive analysis method. The results show that the main reliability and validity strategies employed in the dissertations are explanation of the data collection instruments, explanation of the administration and the data analysis process, explanation of the participants' characteristics and their selection process, and surveying expert opinions. However, the strategies of inter-rater reliability between the evaluators, peer reviews, control of consistency in the results, member checking, and the use of language experts were all observed less frequently in the theses. The identification of these strategies should allow researchers to better understand reliability and validity methodologies, so that they may enhance their usage in Instructional Technology studies.



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